In most countries, including some of the most modern in the western world, their rights do not even assure them sovereignty over their own bodies. It has been there for us to discover all along, as our inherent gift and birthright. It delineates the function of our physical Identity, our sense of Direction in life and our experience of Transcendent Love. It does not grow or flower. Position 1 Quarter of Initiation Position 2 Quarter of Civilization Position 3 Quarter of Duality Position 4 Quarter of Mutation Sun 18 - Perfection Sun 58 - Bliss Earth 17 - Opinion Earth 52 - Stillness There is no limit on how this could be shown. The Neutrino Ocean in You November 15 to 30 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You November 1 to 15 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You October 1 to 15 2019, Depression: Building a homogenized future, Projectors and the Purpose of Differentiated Awareness. And this is why fear is still considered to be something negative that becomes unhealthy. Copyright protected 2004 - 2023 . The most powerful channel of them all the dominating one the one that will change our civilization and the one that we all will be impacted by. Follow this link to watch a video of the metropolitan in Shanghai at 07:00 in the morning on an average working day, and see how we give ourselves the same horrible treatment as we give to the other species that we feed on. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. This helpless vulnerability that we are all born with is not something that we have ever known how to manage creatively as members of the human species. In the Quarter of Duality (Gates 7-44), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. This not only eliminates the resistances in those that we interact with; but it also allows for the discovery of what is possible for us when we are not mentally driven. Ra Uru Hu. From this perspective, the life purpose is not something that we choose or construct. Chapter 350 The Idea of Unifying Human Civilization The fierce interception battle on his side was in full swing, and it didn't take long for the human coalition forces to rush over. You cant experience what it is to be a gardener without a garden. Quarter by Quarter is a Human Design home-study program created by Ra Uru Hu. There have been many names for these faces in different cultures over the eons. Or you can play it right now (but there are illustrations in the download). Human Design addresses life purpose in a very specific way through the Incarnation Cross. Note every Godheads hexagrams share the same first four lines. Duality, what a seductive trap that our genes have created for our human vanity. The Ancient Faces or the quarter consist of the 4 separate faces Sirius (Mutation/Yang), Dubhe/Mind (Civilization/Yin) , Alcyone/Body (Initiation/Inspiration), and Jupiter (Duality). We all suffer when it comes to manifest the potential of our form as an individual. This material was presented in Ibiza during October 2003. The Magic of Incarnation Crosses - Semester 2. If your Personality Sun is in this quarter, youre here to wake up first. Actually, as a result of the nine centered mutation that is undergo, some of the best of the spirit of humanity is to be found in these 4 gates (15, 52, 39 & 53), that look away from the throat and its focus on goals, achievements and results. So, the shadow side of this Quarter can be an unhealthy materialistic focus.Your purpose is also fulfilled through communication by what you say to others and what they say to you, how you articulate what you say and how your unique body expresses itself in language. That is why no human can ever escape the impact of the evolutionary program and the way it conditions; and even determines our personal and subjective experience of the world. In a similar way, if your mind chooses to remain separate; then the possibility of union is perceived as a potential dependency that can become a threat to your freedom. The theme of your incarnation cross comes from the Quarter where your Personality (Conscious) Sun shines. If your Incarnation Cross is a Right Angled Cross you have a Personal Life Theme. And in being able to see the stitching and the styling and the quality of that costume, you can begin to understand how you look going down the road of your incarnation.
The first and official site of the work
But the truth is that we can root all of its understanding in something as highly primitive as the division of humankind in the two halves represented by gender differences. This, because fear is something that we all get to meet as a consequence of interacting with other human beings. Quarter of Duality "Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Bonding What it does is provide, at its simplest level, and I am speaking simply of Profile now, is a signpost of correctness in ones process. Not only that, but those dogmas are based on imaginary orders that originated so far back in the past that we can't really know nor remember it. However, the magic happens when we are able to relate what seems like intellectual and abstract concepts to our direct experience of what is actually happening. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God. We are a group of certified Human Design professionals dedicated to providing the highest standards of unique Human Design Analysis, Living Your Design Guidance, BG5 Career and Business Consulting and Human Design Coaching.We can give you the keys to your genetic code so that you can live an inspired life of growth, change, self-acceptance and unconditional love.Are you ready to transform your life? It had an . The mind and the influence of others may often interfere with this inner knowing. Kali is the goddess of time and brings the death of the ego,the illusory self-centered view of reality that, should you have a personal perspective like myself, you may be deeply identified with. Lets take a preliminary exploration together. And then moves into the Quarter of Initiation. You may place your body in many different locations, or adorn your body with a stunning wardrobe of different outfits or even, if you are a woman, become a mother (if this resonates with you, which wont suit everyone from this Quarter).Our bodies are here to be transformed through what we do, what we eat and where we go. We mature into the role and the expression in a way that fits us better and better as we age and as we accept and enjoy our uniqueness. He said: The other is Hell. . Sometimes the most profound things are right in front of you in Human Design. This, because it will not allow anyone to jump onto any mental conclusion that does not feed further states of anxiety over time. When we bond with another human being, we establish an emotional connection that makes us remain connected with the process of the other throughout the ups and downs of the emotional wave that empowers the spirit of union or separation; as it moodily fluctuates beyond our capacity to control it. The general theme of purpose is examined through the 12 combinations of Quarter and Angle. This looks like making decisions based on a mental assessment of whether or not our actions will fit the description of the Cross, which quickly becomes a mental, conceptual exercise rather than a process that involves the energetic response and flow of the body. The Rave BodyGraph and Rave Mandala are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte. Another way of explaining these Forces is that your conditioned mind tends to interpret the Maia according to your Godhead. You see, relationships are simultaneously objective and subjective. 1. Or when we expect it to grow and produce in an environment that does not nurture, support or have a place or purpose for it? It came during a class with Alokanand Diaz Del Rio, when he explained how, when you are not awake or aware, you are conditioned to live out the dead myth of your Godhead. Sign up to receive Human Design System news and updates. When we activate all of the gates in this Quarter we see that this forms three channels bringing definition to the bodygraph, creating the only pure emotional Generator through the Channel of Mating, along with the Channel of Discovery and the Channel of Abstraction. Face 16 is . The primary theme is to use the body. With all certainty the Quarter of Mutation is generally the most easily misunderstood and yet prone to lead to misjudgement and false generalizations. This consists as something as simple as never allowing the other to be anything else than a mirror of the self-empowering or self-disempowering quality of integration that you have with yourself and with life as a whole. The 'Quarter of Civilization' is the place in the wheel where we find 16 gates whose purpose can only be fulfilled when it materializes itself into some FORM. When we are moving along our natural path without resistance, the costume naturally fits us better and the expression is a clear and natural outgrowth of that. The remaining question seems to be only to which extend; and this denial of human egoism erupts in all societies as crime. Instead of dealing wisely with the eternal pressures of life, we have simply accelerated our process growing accustomed to 'living in a hurry'. Quarter 4: Purpose fulfilled through Transformation. This is an edited conversation loosely transcribed from the Human Design Collective Podcast Spotlight Episode on Relationships and Connection Charts. of Ra Uru Hu, founder of The Human
Europe's Civilization I is the first quarter of a two-quarter sequence designed to give students a foundation in some of the social, political, cultural, and intellectual movements that have come to define European civilization. There are three different geometries in Human Design incarnation crosses: Right angle crosses Left angle crosses Juxtaposition crosses There are 64 gates, and during the course of a year the sun moves through them all. Instead of a world of empathy between equals, we have created one in which we learn to identify with the colors of our social groupings and the symbols of our material status. Click here to download to the introductory audio to this program, the first whole lecture, absolutely free. They are both the potential and possibility of individual intuition (gates 28 & 57); which is a timeless theme that existentially connects the individual to the themes of integrating truthful purpose and survival IN THE NOW. Please review our return policy terms and conditions for more information, or contact us by writing to This website uses browser cookies to maintain your user session but no information is shared with 3rd parties. Bonding with others out of correctness has nothing to do with establishing an emotional symbiosis with anyone that is supposed to last forever. LakshmiGoddess of Beauty and Good Fortune Gates: 16-Skills, 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution. It is something we grow into over time. Mandala Gates 7 to 44. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Listener, the Fellowship of ManYang (spirit) pushing upward into Yin (form). This is the construct that binds you to your own form beyond circumstances. As individuals who are imbued with individual intelligence and given an individual form; we are all designed to resist the homogenization process. It has been suggested that it is not useful to explore unless you already have a sense of being able to act from a place of embodiment and alignment with your body's inner guidance. This means that whatever is not properly integrated in the individual mind and the awareness about the alignment to its unique form; represents a human conflict that is hidden in the shadow of its conditioned mental fears. Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation - Human.Design Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation Home / Audios If you were born in the Quarter of Civilisation your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through Form'.This means living your life by experiencing uniquely through your body. The Witness Returns The second quarter is the Quarter of Civilization. The whole thing about the costume you wear in life is that it grows on you. Spontaneous emotional decision-making left a trail of physical and emotional destruction in my wake. Amy is an IHDS Certified Analyst Living Your Design Guide with decades of experience in counseling. Because gate 6 is responsible to regulate the nature of the wave in the Solar Plexus; for this gate separation is like an abortion of something that was only meant to grow after it has started. Pity the poor person who happened to be standing nearby! Join Ra in looking at each gate in its three corresponding Incarnation Cross variations (Right Angle, Juxtaposition, & Left Angle) as he explains how the qualities of the hexagram provide the building blocks for humanitys development and maturation process. It isnt until you can look at yourself with the cold-bloodedness that emerges out of surrendering to your own form; that you can realize that relationships can give you a lot. Gate 2 is the location of the Magnetic Monopole, which holds the Personality and Design Crystal together in the illusion of separation from the totality. Quarter of Civilization 3rd May 2020 @ 05:31 GMT the Sun changed to the 2nd Gate - The Receptive - The Gate of Direction of the Self, and with that change, we moved into the Quarter of Civilization. There are four basic elements to the cross that can be signposts of living according to our natural frequency, the energy we are here to align with and emit in the world. In thinking of each of us as a cell in a larger organism, you gain a sense of how we are all here to fulfill a unique role, a unique purpose, working together correctly. Through the set of four individual gates that starts this quarter (Gates 2, 23, 8 & 20), Civilization develops and empowers its foundational building block with every new generation; the family as an institution, and the minimum social cell in which every individual is taught how to fit in with the small group. Profile is valuable in one way. Would you like to receive free Human Design articles,
First I'll demonstrate my personal discovery, guide you through the structure of the wheel, then invite you to find your Godhead, okay? Following Strategy and Authority keeps you from getting trapped in your Minds illusion derived from the conditioning forces streaming through your individual Godhead. Meaning "between two . And what is the foundation for all of that? The Quarter Of Duality Human Design Your Own Authority Share this post. Covers Gates 7 - 44 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. ICONIC Human Design 0 See our 61 reviews on Many of us were taught that the foundations of civilization were a product of Greek and Italian genius. Look at the Mandala below, find the quarter your Personality Sun is in. But what he really meant, if he was truly as intelligent as his reputation suggests; is that the other is the mirror in which we all see, without necessarily recognizing it objectively, the distorted image of both our own Heaven and our own Hell. Though not unknown as it was until 1781, the paradoxical nature of emotional intelligence is still a rather revolutionary concept in the world of today; where integrating two opposite poles into harmony is still a major challenge for most human minds. When we activate the gates of these two crosses, we see their arms symmetrically reaching out to the borders of the Rave Mandala. When we learn about our Cross, the conditioned mind will tend to try to use it as a navigation tool. Ra takes you on a journey through the wheel in a logical progression beginning with the Quarter of Initiation. Knowledge you can use to discover
We can divide the 64 gates of the wheel not only into half and eighths as we have seen but into quarters (as well as 16ths, which is where we discover the archetypal themes of the Godhead). Considering the way in which the Not-Self mind is programmed to make choices that will bring it forward in its endless search for singularity call in God, call it Good, call it whatever kind of absolute you want -; Duality holds within its inherent potential everything that is frustrating and confusing for the human mind. 13 The Fellowship of Man - The Gate of the ListenerUniversal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation. This is where children learn to identify with the world that they grow up to be familiar with, and learn to imitate and project the fears of their families onto the forms that are different from the ones that they have come to know in their limited perspective. Quarter of Civilization "Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form Mystical Theme: From Womb to Room" Next is the Quarter of Duality, which is all about intimacy, having someone to bond with, and procreation. It can be what naturally comes out of us when we are being ourselves in resonance with the body and the environment for which we are designed. We can think of the quarters as something like seasons but from an evolutionary perspective. These seasons begin each year consistently as the sun passes through the beginning gate. Getting to this point, it is clear to me that I am painting a dead end street situation in evolutionary terms, where humanity as a whole truly has no choice but to remain locked in the material world of choices, lost forever in the most primal fears of survival. Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form. A study group from mid-2018 to walk us through the thematics around the wheel: Have you taken Living Your Design and Rave ABCs yet? However hidden it is, it will invariably be recognized and mirrored back by those human beings that you directly interact with in the establishment of personal relationships. The vast split between the abstract mind, and the powerful sacral definition (combining the determination to love the body with the sexual drive for reproduction that needs to regulate its availability to others); is a perpetual source of contradiction that so deeply speaks for itself. Grasping how irresolvable this conflict is from an analytical and mental perspective; is truly the beginning of slowly but surely be able to heal the spirit of the way if which we are driven to bond with those who we meet, and in whom we recognize the potential to fertilize our life. Mandala Gates 2 to 33. She is known as the Destroyer of false Devotion. In this way, the Incarnation Cross is a signpost rather than a guiding mechanism. Quarter of Initiation: Quarter of Civilization: Juxtaposition Cross of Listening: Juxtaposition Cross of The Driver: Juxtaposition Cross of Principles: With this quick guide you will: Learn practical Strategies for Decision-Making. That is why we all have more acceptance for egoism in children than we have for grownup people. This is one of the four gates of the Cross of Eden and it operates as a social regulator; through a channel that has the natural power to generate so much emotional heat that it literally merges two bodies and souls into one single emotional flow creating the emotional union of what we call a couple. We'd love for you to join us. Quarter of Duality the Realm of Jupiter. In the Quarter of Mutation (Gates 1-19), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Transformation. We are not here to be all things to everyone. MaiaThe Mother Goddess Gates: 2-The Direction of the Self, 23-Assimilation 8-Contribution, 20-The Now. Filled with history and stories, this program enriches your understanding of Gates from the broader perspective of their relationships to the Quarter and Godhead they belong to, as well as their relationship to each other. news, updates, and all the
Our core expression, function, and contribution struggle to come to fruition. "I only learned to love the endless paradox that reveals that Knowledge is not Power through the beauty of Human Design coming into my life. The typhoon Yolanda phenomenon is one of the many difficult issues that threatened to devastate Philippine civilization and the rest of the world. Mandala Gates 13 to 24. Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) Voices of Freedom (Eric Foner) Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler) . It tells us something about what we will see and be along the way. But from the perspective of the way in which gate 6 experiences its social emotions; separation simply never seems to make any sense; no matter how deeply the union might be loaded with personal frustration. That is what makes it so difficult to appreciate the value of having one. As we follow along, we find that honoring the mechanics of our life force energy puts us in the position to express our Cross, which is what happens automatically when the conditioned mind does not interfere. No matter how much affinity there is between you and another human being; you will always discover that they have a mind of their own. The Incarnation Cross of Service Click on any of this Crosses leading Gene Keys (Human Design Gates) to dive deeper! If you haven't yet had a guided tour of the hexagrams and how we divide the wheel, it's a lot of fun to do! Each cross, angle, and profile has a necessary contribution to the building of the Maia, as society progresses in its evolutionary journey around the wheel. Patterns, Imprints, Timing, and the Saturn Return. Generally, the Right Angle is associated with Personal Destiny, a self-focused, karma-creating movement through life, that includes a more innocent way of pursuing new experience. Please refer to The Definitive Book of Human Design for more detail and. This seems to be the only way to find inside ourselves that stationary place of alignment with our own form that enables us to interact with the world around us; without getting stuck struggling with the resistances we find in those that we meet. Whats your purpose? Human Design System Rave I-Ching Gates 1 and 2. Every Quarter ends with a gate of the Cross of the Four Ways (24, 33, 44, 19)these are the doors that close each Quarter. However, there is obviously a force that is not only stronger than the individual intelligence of our own form; but it is a force that sets our individual mind and form in conflict with itself. Is it possible to know the unknowable? Each Quarter of the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to their foundations. Gate 30 is also known as the Gate of Desire. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, please let us know and well issue a full refund. Your purpose is revealed through your Incarnation Cross; your costume described by your profile lines of those four gates. Please comment below. With all Throat Gates activated, this is the world of manifestation, where mind is concretized into form. Human Design- Quarter of Civilization - YouTube Live and Work on Purpose!The #humandesignsystem is the tool I use in the background of all my coaching practices!The frequency that you are. However, history reveals that many of the greatest western thinkers and philosophers were taught and educated by Africans. Ra suggested that the journey to the full bloom of our life purpose is our reason for being here. Strategy and Authority are tools based on energy mechanics that help us to align with the natural movement of our bodies through space and time. changing the whole theory of our patriarchial civilization, and begetting isolation and solitude where formerly existed inviting man sions, the centres of sympathies and social life . yourself and live who you are. "Being human, I receive it in good part, and we have ordered our treasurer to send you some of our articles in return. Click image to read more about the Quarter of Initiation, KaliThe Destroyer of False Devotion Gates: 13-The Listener, 49-Principles, 30-Feelings, 55-Spirit, MitraThe Evolution of Consciousness Gates: 37-Friendship, 63-Doubt, 22-Openness, 36-Crisis, MichaelThe Angelical Mind Gates: 25-Spirit of the Self, 17-Opinion, 21-Hunter/Huntress, 51-Shock, JanusThe Fertility of Mind Gates: 42-Growth, 3-Ordering, 27-Caring, 24-Rationalization, Click image to read more about the Quarter of Civilization, MaiaThe Mother Goddess Gates: 2-The Direction of the Self, 23-Assimilation 8-Contribution, 20-The Now, LakshmiGoddess of Beauty and Good Fortune Gates: 16-Skills, 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution, Parvati - Goddess of Domestic Bliss Gates: 15-Extremes, 52-Stillness, 39-Provocation, 53-Beginnings, Ma'atGoddess of Truth, Justice and Cosmic Harmony Gates: 62-Details, 56-Stimulation, 31-Leading, 33-Privacy, Thoth - God of Wisdom, Writing and Time Gates: 7-Role of the Self in Interaction, 4-Formulization, 29-Perseverance, 59-Sexuality, Harmonia - Goddess of the Family Bond Gates: 40-Aloneness, 64-Confusion, 47-Realization, 6-Friction, Christ Consciousness Field - Love Thy Neighbor Gates: 46-Determination of the Self, 18-Correction, 48-Depth, 57-Intuitive Clarity, Minerva - Virgin Goddess of Warfare, Arts and Crafts Gates: 44-Alertness, 28-The Game Player, 50-Values, 32-Continuity, Click the image to read more about the Quarter of Mutation, Hades - God of the Underworld Gates: 1-Self-Expression, 43-Insight, 14-Power Skills, 34-Power, Prometheus - Thief of Fire and Benefactor of Humanity Gates: 9-Taming Power of the Small, 5-Fixed Rhythms, 26-The Egoist, 11- Ideas, Vishnu - God of Monotheism Gates: 10-Behavior of the Self, 58-Vitality, 38-The Fighter, 54-Drive, The Keepers of the Wheel - Guardians of the Wheel - The Hidden Gods (from themselves) Gates: 60-Limitation, 61-Inspiration, 41-Contraction, 19-Wanting. If there is a place where planet Earth reveals itself as the 'planet of suffering', as mystics have always called it, this place is the Quarter of Civilization. The only thing that changes here from one gate to the next, are the differences in the triggers for suffering, but there seems to be no escape from it. In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Formthrough manifesting. The [] If not take a glance now. 24 Return, The Gate of RationalizationThe natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal. Together they drive the process of everything we learn about the world of form in the secure realm of the family in the first seven years of life. 2I want to change this job. You see, for all the luminous promises about life that we find in Initiation and Civilization; life behaves like a twisted bitch when it reveals itself to us in the Quarter of Duality. This is the world of fertility and bondingyour relationships with others. Nobody knows how to manage it creatively. Nobody knows how to turn it into the fuel for individual awareness that it really is meant to be. People born in this quarter work toward genetic security. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Ah, Duality, it seems to be the source of all evil as Jean Paul Sartre stated. They affect how we are seen, how we relate, who we resonate and harmonize with and how we naturally experience fulfillment.
Please visit our community forums where you can post your questions, engage in discussions and connect with others. When we meet in Synchronicity with others; we are free of the blind expectations and immature dreams that normally feed our mental agenda. Be selective about who you allow into your life. The Quarter of Civilization. Animal Foundation Chart; . This is an identity that is considered to be progressive as it is oriented towards the future; and also tends to be seen as sophisticated and detached from the moralities of the past. The perfect opposition in the wheel is maintained throughout the entire Rave Mandala. And it is the same for the other in relationship to us. You see, fear is at the very root of the process of Duality. Every vehicle comes with its driver, and every human live that is born into the world of form is a journey towards a secure death, no matter how mindful one wants to be about it. All you need to do is take a look at the configuration of the three channels that become defined when you transfer the 16 gates of Duality into the Rave Body Graph. In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older . Thinking that your Godhead is the foundation for all of that below, find the Quarter of Duality others we! And renewal come to fruition reason for being here way through the 12 combinations of Quarter Angle! When we meet in Synchronicity with others must agree to our Privacy & Cookie policy to meet as consequence. Are illustrations in the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to your own share. 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