In the Rabbinic retelling, when Amram returned his wife, Jochebed was a hundred and thirty years of age, but signs of youth appeared on her: her body became smoother, her wrinkles were straightened out, and her former beauty was restored. The proving of our faith is planned by God to bring praise and honor and glory to Him in the day when Jesus Christ reveals himself at His Second Coming. Amram was the Levite man who was Moses father. Jochebeds name means, Honor of God or God is glory. After Moses was born, Yocheved hid him at home for three months. Robert Lehigh, Editor Lit. I have stayed my heart on Thee. 26:59; cf. not an ordinary child Hebrew for fine is tov(TOE v)= means good, beautiful Its the same word that used in the Creation account in Genesis 1:4(light), 10(land and sea), 18(sun, moon, stars), 25(animals), 31(mankind, looked and said=very good). "We cannot save our little boy from the forces of death,"Moses' parents decided, "but God can.". Although her jealously later in life led to . Rabbah [ed. She was curious, what could be in it? V. 1 begins with the marriage of Jochebed and Amram, and then the reader is immediately told of Mosess birth, concealment and rescue. Some of you have lost children to divorce, some have run-away, and some have even died. 113:9): He sets the childless woman [akeret ha-bayit] among her household as a happy mother of children. Jochebed, who had been uprooted [nitakrah) from her home as a result of the decree of Pharaoh, would now be set happily among her household. 328. [5] Jochebed is also called Amram's father's sister in the Masoretic text of Exodus 6:20, but ancient translations differ in this. Amram and Jochebed were strong in their faith during a time where many Israelites had become idolatrous. How do we know? Then verse 18 shows that Kohath's sons were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. Possible that he was alive during the Exodus, remember Moses was 80 years old then. We go through many trials in our life, but Jochebed, a woman who feared God, had the one of the worst nightmares of any mother. F. Hebrew 11:23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. [24], It has been proposed by a number of Biblical scholars that Ichabod and Jacob may ultimately be linguistic corruptions of Jochebed, and possibly once have referred to the same individual.[26]. This brings us to the influence one mother had on history - not only the history of her family, but the entire history of the children of Israel. Accordingly, Prov. Here then, we have Moses' own parents, living in a relationship clearly condemned as abomination under the Law of Moses. As the years passed, and after Joseph had died, a new king arose in Egypta king who had not known Joseph. Just like today, true faith was mixed with pagan beliefs. Jochebed Mother of Moses. Would I ever see him again? JOCHEBED: THE MOTHER OF MOSES. God saw to it that the baby should weep at this very moment. He said, for example, I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth (Job 19:25). The midrash portrays Jochebed as a wise woman who was righteous and God-fearing. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. Amram and Jochebed were strong in their faith during a time where many Israelites had become idolatrous. "teaching," "study," or "learning." [22], Textual scholars attribute the genealogy to the Book of Generations, a hypothetical document originating from a similar religiopolitical group and date to the priestly source. Jacob, too, married two sisters t. In his gracious way, God gives us himself, the most desirable dream we could ever imagine. The conditions described in the first two chapters of Exodus indicate that indeed those were dark days for the Children of Israel. The story of his birth ( Exodus 2:1-10) is followed by an account of his killing of an Egyptian and the flight to Midian ( Exodus 2:11-16 ). [29] The significance of this comparison is understood to spring from the affinity of Arabic folklore for Hebrew traditions.[29]. Hold on to things and people with open hands, like Jochebed they know when to release and. And her influence is felt to this day by the followers of the God of the Bible as we read about the great things that her son did for the people of God of his time. Scripture does not tell us when Jochebed died but it is possible she was still living when the Law of Moses was given. The basket fell in the hands of the Pharaoh's daughter who was bathing in the river. Jochebed showed great trust in God's faithfulness. (NET), Hebrews 11:23 By faith, when Moses was born, his parents hid him for three months, because they saw the child was beautiful and they were not afraid of the kings edict. Conservative scholars date the "Exodus," a landmark in Israel's history, at 1446 B.C. She named him Moses. But Exodus 2:5 says that the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe in the river, while her attendants walked beside the river. The latest date that Jochebed could have been born was 2385 AM, the year her father died. After Pharaohs daughter discovered the baby, Jochebed became his nurse. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. She also gave birth to Aaron, a high priest of Israel. Years passed. Jochebed enjoyed longevity, living to witness the positions of leadership held by her children, and was even one of the Israelites who entered the land of Canaan. In the Old Testament this is the name of the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Certainly faith in God, that He exists, that He made a covenant with Abraham that set them apart as a chosen people, His people. Beginning at verse 4 in Exodus 2, we see how God, in response to the faith of this mother who dared to trust in His Wordsets in motion a whole chain of wonderful events to accomplish His purposes and to honor her faith. So Jochebed got her own child back, at least for a while. Jochebed, his biological mother, loved her son and kept him as long as she could after he was born. Doing nothing would have condemned Moses to death at the hands of the Egyptian death squads. Sometimes sorrows crowd in, and troubles pile up, and it seems like God is throwing rocks. Pharaoh only decreed against the males, but you have decreed against both the males and the females [since all the Israelites withdrew from their wives, neither sons nor daughters would come into the world]. Hanover, PA 17331 Jesus says to us, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32). Maybe you need to let go of a dream that is not going to come true; yet, the idea of letting it go seems too painful. Exodus 1; 2. (Amram lived to be 137 years old).". Finally, when they did speak, they concluded that Job was among the worst of sinners, and that he suffered as a result of deep sin in his life (Job 4:7). According to another interpretation, Jochebed named her son "Tov" or "Tobiah," which was what his parents called him until Pharaoh's daughter renamed him "Moses" (BT Sotah 12a). Joseph, Jacob's son, was a ruler in Egypt at that time and the children of Jacob (Israel) were treated kindly. What if she had been found out, they would take the baby and kill him, perhaps she would lose her life, potentially the whole family, husband, 2 other children= Miriam=young little girl and Aaron=3 years old. She brought him to all the Egyptian women, but Moses was not willing to nurse from any of them. Ex. She was so scared of losing her son that she placed him in a basket in one of the most dangerous places imaginable. Hebrew: MSH Mosheh (M. T.), Greek: Mouses, Moses. Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. Her hometown was probably Goshen, in the land of Egypt. A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). The God of Israel was more real to Amram and Jochebed than was the king of Egypt. 18:1214 (BT Sanhedrin 58b). The name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and to Amram she bore Aaron and Moses, and their sister Miriam. According to tradition, Moses' parents, Amram and Jochebed . When she saw that he was a healthy child, she hid him for three months. Maybe the princess once had a baby of her own who had died, and the sight of baby Moses may have torn the wound open and made it bleed afresh. One wonders why Pharaohs daughter wanted to bathe herself in the dirty waters of the Nile River. Our background is not our destiny Have you ever been there? Moses, in the wilderness, instructed them to put away pagan gods. It seems that God impressed upon their hearts the conviction that their very child, Moses, should be the one whom God would use to bring about the promised deliverance. Rabbah 1:16). He feared they would join a foreign army against the Egyptians or start a rebellion. The parents of Moses believed the simple promise of Gods Word, and the revelation that after 400 years Israel would be delivered, and that their son was a proper childand so, instead of casting baby Moses into the river, they hid him for three months, and then turned him over to God. 2:9), she unwittingly prophesied: the word helikhi concealed the truthshelikhi hu [he is yours]. Pharaohs daughter promised Jochebed (ibid. The Rabbis say that when the daughter of Pharaoh asked of Jochebed: Take [helikhi] this child and nurse it for me (Ex. When she placed little Moses in the Nile River that day, Jochebed could not have known that he would grow up to be one of God's greatest leaders, chosen to rescue the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Joseph had revealed himself to his eleven brothers and requested that his father come to Egypt, which the family did. That Jochebed could still be bearing children at the age of forty-eight might seem unlikely by modern standards. When the plan to have the midwives kill all the male newborns failed, Pharaoh gave the order to throw all baby boys into the Nile, drown them. She looks like and is voiced by the late Ofra Haza. The sun has not stopped shining just because the traveler in the tunnel doesnt see it. The babys own mother. She felt a firm unity with her Creator and was exhilarated by this bond. The Lit. Moses's mother, a Levite, later identified as Jochebed (Numbers 26:59), had married a Levite and given birth to a son. God had told Abraham, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and also that nation, whom they shall serve will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance (Genesis 15:13-14). (We learn later, in Exodus 6:20, that the father and mother of Moses are named Amram and Jochebed.) She put the child in it and set it among the reeds along the edge of the Nile. Jochebed bore Amram three righteous offspring. T. Moses died. Devorah and her husband Maurice Sklar ran Maurice Sklar Ministries, founded by Maurice Sklar, which has about 10,000 followers online. The children of Israel were still in Egypt, but they were no longer honoured by the Egyptians as the people of their great deliverer, Joseph. Moses' sister, Miriam, accompanied her younger brother when he led the Hebrew people in their escape from slavery in Egypt. Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. 4. When you let go, when you released that person or that thing, did you feel like part of you was breaking; now there was some new emptiness in your life? Exodus 1:14 concludes by saying, All their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. But even this severe treatment did not serve to decrease the number of the Children of Israel, and so in desperation, the Egyptian king decreed that every male child born to the Hebrews should be cast into the river. The latter had spoken impudently to Pharaoh, who sought to kill her in his anger. So what happens when you trust God, eyewitness account: Miriam is near by, watching and.. Exodus 2:5 Then the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself by the Nile, while her attendants were walking alongside the river, and she saw the basket among the reeds. Several rabbinic commentaries attest to this and comment that maidenhood was restored to Jochebed at the time of her marriage to Amram. Moved with compassion when she discovered the child, she decided to adopt him. Rabbah 1:26). There arc three arks mentioned in Scripture. Have you ever worked in the baby bed nursery at church? 2:3), lining the inside with bitumen, and coating it on the outside with pitch, so that Moses would not smell the bad odor given off by the latter. 26:59): The name of Amrams wife was Jochebed daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt. The midrash adds that she was conceived on the way to Egypt, and was born between the walls (at the entrance to Egypt). The Torah seemingly chose to concentrate on the birth of Israels deliverer, and therefore did not mention his two elder siblings. she took pity on the baby. My pastor often says Give up the hope of a better past, its keeping you from a better tomorrow Past hurt, past decision? Thus Jochebed nursed her son until he was old enough and brought him to the Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son. "Jochebed: Midrash and Aggadah." 6:20: Amram took to wife his fathers sister Jochebed. Amram was the son of Kohath and the grandson of Levi, while Jochebed was the daughter of Levi, and therefore his aunt. Jochebed was Amram's aunt, strangely enough; she was his father's sister. The prophecy of 400 years of bondage (Gen 15:13) was coming to a close. Years she had to love and influence her child for God. According to another interpretation, Jochebed named her son Tov or Tobiah, which was what his parents called him until Pharaohs daughter renamed him Moses (BT Sotah 12a). She was the daughter of a Levite, and she married Amram, another Levite ( Exodus 2:1 ). One of the great hymns of the church says: God moves in a mysterious way A careful reader of the Bible account can almost picture Miriam (the older sister of Moses) running to her mother and telling her what had happened. (NET). By Harold S. MartinA Bible Helps Booklet No. Terah coordinated the journey, intending to go to this new land, but stopped in the city of Haran along the way, where he died at the age of 205. . He lived 137 years. Surely the words of Hebrews 11:6, Without faith it is impossible to please God, include the concept of sustaining faith. Jochebed's story is the third part of our eight-week Bible study - Ordinary Parents with Extraordinary Faith. For others, health deteriorates, death takes a loved one, and plans for the future are shattered. All Israel saw this, and in consequence they also divorced their wives. They may have desired a happy marriage, a successful career, developing their talent, or some other worthwhile goal, yet circumstances prevented it. Moses, Hebrew liberator, leader, lawgiver, prophet, and historian, lived in the thirteenth and early part of the twelfth century B.C.. NAME. Sometimes we need to slow down and learn to see Him and His presence in our circumstances and thank Him for His care. Numbers 26: 59 - "Now Kohath was the ancestor of Amram, and Amram's wife was named Jochebed. Come, disaster, scorn, and pain. Can you imagine trying to hide a newborn baby? Maybe its something material, a possession you have? The Rabbis resolve this abbreviated chronology by stating that Jochebed and Amram divorced, and Ex. The narrative of her pregnancy with Moses is amusingly incorporated in an exegesis relating to the time of the Rabbis. Learn Religions, Sep. 4, 2021, Exodus 6:20 And Amram took his aunt Jochebed to him for a wife. Would he forget me? 4 Then his sister positioned herself some distance away in order to find out what would happen to him. Moses was tov, beautiful, fine, good, and not ordinary. He went from her arms to the arms of Pharaohs daughter. 2:12 state that he married a Levite woman. The Story By merit of her good deeds, she gave birth to the three leaders of the Exodus generation: Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Ofra sang the lullaby in 18 languages for the film's dubbing (including her native Hebrew). Deborah, the only female judge in the Bible, excelled in multiple areas. Hugs and kisses and then she turned away and went home. Lesson two Handout (Click Here). His possessions were all gone; his body was racked with pain; his wife added to the pain of his soul by urging him to curse God and cry out for death. One of her maidservants saw the basket and brought it to her. It is an unquestionable fact of scripture that God blessed the forbidden marriage of Amram and Jochebed. Amram and Jochebed were the parents of Aaron, the first high priest of the nation of Israel; Moses, who led . When Jochebed gave birth to a son, she saw that he was a healthy baby. She breathed air just like you and I do. If the Pharaoh here is Rameses (RAM uh sees) II, he had over 60 daughters.3 We dont know, but whoever she was, she had enough influence to kill Moses or keep him alive. Marriages with aunts and nieces have been common in many countries, and are not forbidden by any natural instinct. Gods purpose in redeeming Israel depended at that very moment on the pitiful cry of a little baby. Has He brought something to your mind that youve been holding on to and need to let go? Jochebed which in Hebrew means: The Honor of Jehovah. It is doubtful whether the decree of the wicked Pharaoh will be fulfilled, but you are righteous, and your decree will undoubtedly be fulfilled. Amram heeded his daughter, and returned to his wife, whom he remarried in a public celebration with all possible pomp and ceremony: he sat her in a palanquin, Aaron and Miriam danced before her, and the ministering angels proclaimed (Ps. Again, the second time, was this time even harder for her? Rabbah 7:3; Ex. Jewish Women's Archive. Summary of the story of Jochebed in the Bible Generations after Joseph died, the reigning Pharaoh became paranoid. And rides upon the storm. Transition to our next woman of influence, JochebedMoses mother. The child, found by the pharaoh's daughter while bathing, was reared in the Egyptian court. Just so, when we get beyond our depths, and when we get in deep water, we cry out to God for help. Hebrews11:23 they were not afraid of the kings edict. "Jochebed: Mother of Moses." Faith and trust in God knows that even when God seems silent, He is always working for the good of His children. The film The Ten Commandments calls her "Yoshebel". [10] The Targum Pseudo-Jonathan identifies Jochebed as also having been wife of Elitzaphon Ben Parnach, and the mother of Eldad and Medad;[11] the text is ambiguous as to when this marriage occurred in relation to the marriage(s) to Amram. What are some areas of your life you need to stop holding on to and start trusting God? Rather, this verse teaches that Jochebeds pregnancy was without suffering, just as she gave birth without pain. For some, there is a lack of the assurance of the forgiveness of past sins. Israel (Jacob) and his family had gone into Egypt to escape the famine in Palestine. Sustaining faith, in simple language, is the assurance that the thing which God has said in His Word is true, and that God will act according to what He has said. Consequently, Miriam came and offered to the daughter of Pharaoh her mother Jochebed, who was a Hebrew (Ex. Further study: At any rate, Pharaohs daughter was determined to give protection to the baby. She caulked it with bitumen and pitch (Ex. The outcome of this brave action of defying the King of Egypt is now known to all. Let us know. For others, a family member rebels against the Gospel plan of salvation. Joseph had saved the country from a famine, but eventually, he was forgotten by the Egyptian rulers, the Pharaohs. Now if Jochebed was Levi's immediate daughter, than she would have been born sometime during Levi's lifetime. As she raised her children, she implanted the seeds of hope in their hearts. He plants His footsteps in the sea, There is nothing immoral in marrying your aunt unless the Torah explicitly forbids it. Jochebed had such a deep abiding faith in the trustworthiness of Gods Word that it drove her to act. Of never-failing skill, I think we can see the fond expression on the mothers face as she said with great joy, I knew that God would provide! Jochebeds faith was rewarded by being reunited to her own child. In all three explanations, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for greatness and she discerned that he possessed unique spiritual qualities. 2:7, BT Sotah 12b). The second lesson is for heartbroken people who have to turn their dreams over to God. The Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile possessed the ability to impart fruitfulness and to prolong life.4 Dr. Thomas Constable, While her attendants were walking up and down the banks keeping undesirable people and animals away, she saw the basket. The mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Also not to the tribe of Levi. She is identified as Shiphrah, one of the Hebrew midwives who saved the newborn baby boys from Pharaoh. Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. After you had given birth, held that baby, nursed, rocked and stayed up all night trying to ease his crying and then to give him up? Her name in Hebrew means "bitterness." Miriam was the first woman in the Bible to be given the title prophetess. First, many unwed mothers refuse to have an abortion, yet have no choice but to place their baby for adoption. 18. I wonder if she picked him up, cuddled him to stop his cries; did he smile at her and melt her heart? Leah and Rachel: The Mothers Who Had to Share. Like Jochebed, they trust God to find a loving home for their child. Cain the first human murderer recorded in the Bible, Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel, Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet, Background Information: For Hebrews Chapter 11. Hebrews 11:23 BY FAITH they hid MosesThey saw life through the eyes of faith. Zavada, Jack. I imagine he learned about the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the Great Covenantal promises made to the Hebrews. We face a variety of trials. Then she put the baby in it and set it among the reeds on the bank of the Nile River. Another midrash has Jochebed building a little canopy for Moses inside the ark, for she said to herself: Perhaps I will not see him under his wedding canopy (BT Sotah 12ab). 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