fr saguto, fssp

It is a reaction to the dreadful years after the Second Vatican Council which is getting worse by the minute. Those of us who dont have a dog in the fight would rather read about something more important. In the end, Michael can protest that Terry Carrolls money has no part in this all he wants, but only a willing fool can believe it. dear rich, In the meantime, Im glad to say that I now fully support you and have put my money where my mouth is. Nothing is credible in the Church apart from Christ who lives in it with us; if we do not believe Christ is God, then we never believe in the truths that flow from that and have had tremendous impact on us the Holy Trinity, the Holy Eucharist, the Resurrection, the forgiveness of sins. More on that soon. Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Voris and Fisher more college are just the latest in a long line of horrors. Paul has been designing and carving ecclesiastical interiors for the past several years. Search. Thank you, john6. With all this being said, I think we all, myself included are inclined to take ourselves entirely too seriously. Voris has, in many cases, exposed the corruption inside the N.O. It ended up punishing students and staff for what were, allegedly, the failings of the administration. Priest Training Workshops Lots of us jump in to visit Mr.V., in the midst of raising broods of children & grandchildren, juggling this and that, including old age & a long time witnessing the collapse since before 1963 for example. Dear piokolby, I dont have close familiarity with any of the people concerned. wont be happening my friend. Pequannock, NJ Theres an old definition of fanatic as someone who can change neither his mind, nor the subject. Dear DeMaria and my2cents, The state police had executed a search warrant that day at the parish and arrested Father Jackson after determining that he was the owner of large amounts of child sex abuse material found on an external hard drive in an office area near his bedroom, an affidavit states. 15:5). Fr. With respect, atttempts to moderate commmenters on this site have been undertaken by other commenters here before, going back years. Satan did it 3. This is a bit off topic, but are you aware of why Fr Flood is no longer in charge of the N American FSSP? The benefit and usefulness of suffering is evident in such instances, at least in hindsight. That man left MUCH to be desired..even my 18 year old son (at the time) was appalled by the mans evasiveness over extremely serious matters of the Faith. Prior to working at CNA, she was the managing web editor of; she has a BA in. Today, he is unwilling even to address those specific conciliar propositions that are so clearly at odds with the tradition of the Church, and why this is the case isnt exactly a mystery. For example, was the will of the Father being expressed when Pope Alexander VI turned to one of his females friends and requested Well, you get the point. Love your enemies, be good to those who hate you is not a suggestion. Honestly, we all need to be quite compassionate towards one another and realize that we know nothing about each other except that we love the Faith. Regardless of how we categorize the post-conciliar popes, the Traditional movement is best served by sticking together. My only point was the Church today is in a dire crisis and the antics of Mr. Voris are the least of our problems. Tacoma, WA The FSSP are bad actors. What they ultimately have lacked, though, is a real sense of contact, intrigue, and love with a Person. hi, scott, The accusation that I luv those who want to destroy the Church is an obfuscation. May God love you. Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. Sarasota, FL Baltimore, MD Harrisburg, PA There is no other way for mankind to have been saved and redeemed except through the sacrificial offering of God Himself, totally innocent and obedient, to God the Father. Mr. Matt also says that St. these are mostly priests that *belonged* to the SSPX. There is, in any event, no SSPX or sedevacantist chapel within easy driving distance of me even if I wanted to go. Think of it as pulling back the curtain on the little man of OZ (Voris). It is their dissent and heterodoxy and lack of courage that have caused all of this to happen. Iv read and listened to lots of different people speak against this devotion but it never changed my mind. Of course not. This meant telling them to avoid the New Mass altogether and then he was horrified by the fruits of ecumenism. There are validly consecrated priests & bishops worldwide to shepherd & provide (valid-it must be noted,) Sacraments to the faithful by the thousands. No I didnt. Dear Scott, If Catholics do not like these attacks on the SSPX your beef is with the FSSP and its superiors. ****** Fr. Youre coming out of your usual comfort zone. They do not understand epikeia at all it seems to me. This takes a toll on an aging trad & many times that is apparent. The only people that ran anywhere were the faithless and feckless fools who, many unknowingly, just accepted the Council and the new Mass as gifts from Almighty God. I disagree with you, however, that the FSSP should be avoided. These three priests will raise the total number . Don't forget to buy yourself a copy here! I am a Catholic who assents to all the Teachings of The Roman Catholic Church which lives on, undefiled in all her Glory. I, for one, would like to see priestly formation meaningfully addressed & perhaps even studied to a degree thats its possible in this format by Mr. V. & other trad sites. Light and life to all He brings, throwing light on our blind spots, provided of course that we give the Infant in the Manger the attention He rightfully deserves. No one here is committing the Mortal sin of Calumny here against the FSSP or Father Wolfe FSSP. Ottawa, ON North American Headquarters, South Abington Twp, PA I still hadnt found out who Fr. Wolfe. May Our Lord reward you for your great defense of the Faith and holy priests, EVERYWHERE!! However, there are a couple of ways to regain perspective and renew vigor. Your rash judgement I hope is based on ignorance and not malice. We have apostasy and heresy within the bosom of Holy Mother Church. 5: since the doctrinal declaration of april 15th 2012 to rome made public easter 2013 priests and bishop wiiiamson saw that the society was changing its direction that archbishop lefebre had founded. This is rich: Voris mentioning those who dont really know very much at all about the SSPX as he gets even the most basic facts completely wrong. And it comes from the preaching of those who have received, along with their right of succession in the episcopate, the sure charism of truth. This is the depths to which mens minds can sink when they are not moored to the pursuit of truth. Rev. His first Mass in Seattle will be on Sunday, October 5th and it will be a sung Mass. Any insight you can give regarding this reaction will be appreciated. Alarico, thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is the will of God, your sanctification (1 Thess 4:3). Why should this action with the SSPX have any meaningful import? Tacoma, WA Problem sorted. For the person who knows that the Council is a grave danger to the faith, they have no problem advising against them allowing themselves (and their kids) to be formed in an FSSP parish since we have an obligation to engage those things that threaten to lead us away from the faith. I do believe that theres a thread of influence and someone as familiar with these personalities as Louie would do well to explore it. There are some whose position gives them the duty to point out faults. Saguto (FSSPDistrict Superior) 31 May 4:30pm St. Victor Church in Hollywood (Los Angeles) ORGANPROCESSIONAL Organist: Meaghan King 120. Since I am not under religious vows, my opportunities for disobedience are rather limited, since I otherwise adhere to all traditional teachings of the Church. The bottom line, in my opinion, is he is merely a distraction from the real issues facing the Catholic world and the world in general. Gerard Saguto, FSSP and Fr. There are so many dangers coming down the pike that I find it hard to believe this issue is taking up so much air time and energy. Christendom College will see three of its alumni ordained as priests this summer. This link is more succinct. He replaces Fr. Heres the truth: The SSPX refuses to sign a statement saying the Vatican II is an integral part of the tradition of the Church. It is this to which they refuse to submit, not the legitimate authority of the pope. Nicholson) with the SSPX marks him out as, Im afraid, something of a fanatic. Fortunately, I have read my way to excellent sites such as this one, if only by the grace of Almighty God. He knows very well (as he and I had discussed in some detail on more than one occasion) that the SSPX came about as a very direct response to the errors of the Second Vatican Council and the deplorable theology of the Novus Ordo Missae. 2022 Even the Drumm narrative at the link admits that much just as it concedes that they really did make some bad hiring decisions. Mine is no1. Those who favour the Society of St. Pius X will not change their minds. Brookville, IN I love piokolby and others here enough to point out that they may be sinning themselves by their polemics and lack of prudent speech. We are truly living in a period of disorientation. I do not claim, presume or pretend to belong to an exclusive club. Incomplete, because it does not take sufficiently into account the living character of Tradition, which, as the Second Vatican Council clearly taught, comes from the apostles and progresses in the Church with the help of the Holy Spirit. Dear de Maria, Unite such an invocation with our Lords true presence in the nearest Tabernacle, a most important and obvious belief of the Holy Faith. Voris- shmoriswho cares? ********** And yes, most especially under the duress we all endure. Well, I suppose I am one of them, then though I would characterize myself as more than prefer since I exclusively attend the TLM (save for an occasional Melkite liturgy, I suppose), either through an Ecclesia Dei society or diocesan priest, depending on where I am. If I found myself in a place where only an SSPX or Norvus Ordo were available, I would choose the SSPX, hands down, and I would know it was valid thanks to Fr. Seattle, WA LiveMass.Net This detraction and extreme lack of charity to say nothing about factual errors has got to be challenged. Louie, your blog does not rise and fall by my participation. And this goes unchallenged! Fr. It helps to know who is on our team though, doesnt it? I have learned much from your links over the past several months and appreciate your insights. "I think today a lot of those devotions are missed," Father Stinson said. I saw how they themselves maintained true & loyal friendships (which I happen to know continue to this day,) with fellow Catholics who were at odds with them w/regard to these matters. ** If I ever respond with animosity (real or perceived) or have a defensive reaction, I take full responsibility for that & ask forgiveness for the vice it represents. Lincoln, NE He refuses to engage the people he criticizes directly. But then again, Sister Lucia warned us; didnt she-? It helps me, anyway. There is no doctrine, no moral apart from Him who declares Himself to the be the Truth. ***The aforementioned Catholics do not include the SSPX, who fit into a seperate category, not to be further delineated here, not bc it's complicated-it's not. Im surprised to see terminology used here. The circumstances surrounding the departure of the French-Canadian priest from the Fraternity were a mystery. rich, you bring up an important subject, if you will, when you mention the mans evasiveness regarding serious matters of Faith. So whats the opposite of human respect, piety? Will the FSSP issue a public statement saying that Father Wolfe does not speak for the FSSP and his views are his own? Fall - Men's Recollection - The Holy Name Society will be sponsoring a Men's Morning of Recollection given by Fr. Dear Alarico, (1 Cor:23). That said, I do no wish to engage you there, but others might want to- with regard to this. We can point out very effectively what is happening without name-calling, and certainly without shouting from the rooftops that this priest, this bishop, this society or association is in mortal sin mostly because we dont like what they have done in particular circumstances. If they fail to do their duty then the moral responsibility for the many Mortal sins coming from all of this rest with the leadership of the FSSP and the Bishop of Father Paul Nicholson. Lincoln, NE Fr. Until then, Ill continue to uphold the duty of engaging his folly here such as Im able. Kindly stop presuming everyone who reads this blog or watches CMTV has a developed awareness of the dismal state of affairs in the Church as you claim to have. If he so desired, in this year of mercy, to also grant them jurisdiction, TMAHICH could do so. Do you have any insight on this? Fort Wayne, IN Lastly it is with Father Paul Nicholson, Father Nicholsons Bishop and opus dei. The Radical Catholic blog has confirmed from CMTV that Voris and CMTV plagiarized the sermon of a Priest of the FSSP in his attack on the SSPX. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz close friend of the FSSP and has does many ordinations for them excommunicated the SSPX in his diocese. Saguto is an excellent priest but he needs to stop perpetuating this lie and he needs to order his priests to do the same. If I NEVER run into another one again I will consider myself blessed. This definition of Tradition is what the FSSP publicly holds as a condition of being received into new church. Hes been reassigned to be the parochial vicar at St. Joseph, the FSSP parish in Tyler, Texas. I pray that Catholics (on BOTH sides of this issue) read your response and learn that the real enemies of Our Lord love confusion and division. Mater Dei Catholic Parish 2030 East State Highway 356 Irving, TX 75060 Phone: (972) 438-7600 Email: - Thank you and God bless. But as a sedevacantist myself, that excuse does not fly. A couple of years ago, I heard a solid Catholic treatment of the Holy Trinity which, in a side note, mentioned that as wonderful as this film is, the part in which the saint explains the Trinity must be ignored. The Society is not in an irregular canonical status that is a made-up term by SSPX supporters. If you are going to give official platforms to statements rejecting the validity of Vatican II and the Pauline Missal without any public correction or disavowal, you have to be prepared to take the ecclesiastical consequences, whether theyre just or not. Perhaps, I should chose my words more carefully. Mr. David McWhirter, FSSP ('12), are all set to join the priesthood, with three other alumni becoming deacons as well. Nashua, NH The Morning of Recollection will be open to all men including non-parishioners and will include a conference by Fr. . your above comments are quite smug and patronizing. ***That said, this includes those who wish to be Catholic. Servant of our Lady this man was annouced dead by doctors ,was dead for 3 days Had Fisher More College been allowed to stand or fall on its own management and merits (rather than pushed by actors within and out) we might have seen a the start of a formal, independent, institutionalized meeting ground between the SSPX and sundry other traditionally inclined priests and priestly orders. These latest round of attacks is the fruit of Father Wolfes influence that is a manifestly provable fact. Louie February 22, 2023 Blog Post No Comments. Mr Carroll has turned into his Ideological Toy. The Bishop did not stop Nicholson. Agree. God bless you. It was also taken in response to related concerns that Father Saguto had failed to observe the safe environment protocols of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for interaction with minors (e.g. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nor are they interested in arguments. Christ asks His Apostles. I am really sorry that I ever recommended them to anyone ever- which, sadly, I did. Will the FSSP issue a public statement rebuking Voris and CMTV? Denton, NE (Seminary) The FSSP really is apart of the novus ordo. The Church is Christ, in her visible human element and invisible divine element, living through the ages in such a way as to be a place of dogmatic and moral security as a house built on rock, and where one understands how to love and live from the Person who is Life itself. Fulton Sheen coins Him, living in the Church that seeks to unite her members and remain the constant inspiration for our holiness and mutual forgiveness. ARCHDIOCESAN SYNOD 2022 I wouldnt be half surprised if he granted faculties to the Dali Lamma. You really need a better source, maybe someone who doesnt provide you with misinformation in order to slander a good and faithful priest. But just bc it ought to be further delineatd in that separate category for clarity which would take a minute. Rules or commands should be in play, and they need to be, but these are not what are supposed to define the home. FSSP Events The full details of what happened at Fisher Moore College need to be made public. Dear de Maria, Fr. Chesapeake, VA Many people think the Dimond bros are fanatics (God knows what they would think of St. John the Baptist, Jesus Christ or even St. Paul or St. Catherine of Sienna etc.) but they have an interesting video which I have linked to several times (not sure anyone has watched it), but they make a point re: +Wmson thinking that Ratzinger is a good person. Go back to them. From what Louies stated himself, he welcomes all voices whether blunt, shy, up front, in your face or the opposite as well as the sedvacantist voice, as mine is. In exercising one of mine here, it must be said that the Dimond Bros. teach against several Sent.certa teachings of Holy Mother Church. Youngstown, OH. No status means just that none. The glad tidings of Christmas should be obvious to anyone who believes. What I am not getting into is the subjective faith and morals of the Priests of the FSSP and the laymen who attend their parishes. Saguto is FSSPDistrict Superior in the United States: Insanity has been described as "doing the same over and over while expecting different results." Time and again I have tried to make clear that pocket recordings do not faithfully reproduce choral sound. I dont follow Mr. Voris. And what does Taylor Marshalls video have to do with the closing? Opus dei (small d) is the lace connecting all the dots of the CMTV operation that not many people appear to be willing to look into. Francis called a protestant minister his brother bishopthe man has an entirely different concept of sacraments, sin, church, juristiction, etc. This argument is fair enough; objective reality isnt subject to legal pronouncements. Thanks to their refusal to travel with so many others in the direction of heterodoxy on a road that is paved with the ambiguities and errors of Vatican II and the protestantized rite that grew out of it, the sinful men running the show in Rome, the pope included, are seeing to it that the SSPX is denied formal jurisdiction. It long predated the actions in question of either of them. Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. All in all, the time table laid out herein is accurate. That we were all good people. Positively, perspective and vigor can also be reclaimed by personal initiative and vigilance to make sure we do not get into ruts with the things that are supposed to be most important, that we are mindful of the obvious in such matters (kind of ironic when you hear it said that way). If Terry Carroll was just another CMTV premium member with an axe to grind, would Michael Voris have done this same about face? We are blessed to be able to host Fr. I suppose that you wont change your mind, as you have said that you already looked at the links above, but I wanted you to know (with my greatest respect for you) that the Lazarus story does not add strength to the thrice-condemned divine mercy case. Likewise he used to criticize the Council for its abject failures. No wonder then, that at the beginning of the liturgical year the Church employs the imperative Excita Stir up! St. Catharines, ON Tragically the position ruling the evidence mode into which the SSPX has morphed is a hook that draws, as in removing a vaudeville performer from a stage . And then theres Archbishop Lefebvre, who was more than willing to work within diocesan and canonical frameworks when he erected the SSPX, and asked for nothing more than that when he met with Paul VI. 3rd group those that choose only to attend TLM except for funerals weddings etc. God love you! Since the FSSP publicly accepts Vatican II as a council when John Paul II created the FSSP with this document he said Vatican II teaches new points of doctrine it is clear the FSSP founders accepted this document and created the FSSP Catholics may not accept new doctrine yet this statement is in the FSSP founding document the Pope says: Ive recently come across many of his sermons online and found them to be quite useful. I am only asking this question in the hope that you can shed some light on this kind of behavior. But they didnt. The reason I feel that way, my2cents, is because Ive held the position for decades, hence- bc of the timeframe-in my early years of mothering I met some of the original laity & priests who held the position (who BTW shall at this time remain nameless.) Everywhere! the Church is an excellent priest but he needs to order his priests to with! Renew vigor will see three of its alumni ordained as priests this summer Father influence! 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